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Come to the West Coast
Definitely NOT the same old same old here - we are redefining how nursing does its business.
Nurses on the West Coast specialise in the generalist role. In any one day you can treat someone with diabetes, immunise a child, treat a cardiac arrest and attend an accident in the pre hospital setting. In our most rural positions the nurse is often the first respondent and therefore the decision maker.
Rural nursing is all about autonomy, responsibility, being able to identify community need and do something about it. You will get a very broad experience, building yours skills and confidence – so when opportunities arise you are in the perfect position to take advantage of them. Nursing is held in high regard by the rest of the team.
We continually look for innovativeways to provide care to the people of the Coast and with nurses working to the full extent of their scope we are always investigating the potential for expanded practice.
Hospital based general nursing roles at Grey Hospital are a great place to start – it will give you a great overview of the West Coast health system – you will get to work across all areas of the hospital. New graduates can even be based in high needs areas.
We can do nearly everything on the Coast. We have a wide range of services including a comprehensive mental health service – both inpatient and community – with acute, rehabilitation, child and family, and alcohol and drug services.
Our clinical nurse specialists work with patients in our communities who have complex chronic conditions, keeping them well and at home. They form linkages between primary practice, the patient and specialist hospital services.
Our generalist district nursing teams work with diverse groups of people providing follow up care from GP practices and post discharge from hospital services.
We live and work as a community member – where everyone knows everyone – lives are interwoven - so maintaining professional boundaries are important.
We have a great team who support each other well. Through our close collaboration with Canterbury DHB we share professional programmes such as the Professional Development and Recognition Programme and have an aligned Nursing Entry to Practice Programme. Our clinical nurse educators work with the Canterbury Professional Development Unit providing training, maintenance of core competencies and educational support.
We make great use of technology – using telehealth (videoconferencing) for clinical support, patient consultations and education.
Some areas are remote – but we are always connected.
For other information, visit: New Zealand Nursing Council: www.nursingcouncil.org.nz
| Not the same old, same old |