Midwifery in Aotearoa
In Aotearoa midwives are the main provider of care for all women who are pregnant whether that is in the community or in a maternity hospital. The West Coast DHB is leading the way in healthcare delivery in the rural setting by implementing an integrated model of care. This allows for a much closer working relationship between our midwives, rural nurses and rural medical specialists within our remote district.
The West Coast DHB covers an area that spreads across 800kms, with sharp Southern Alps on one side of us and the wild Tasman Sea on the other, delivering healthcare to approximately 32,000 people. With a wide range of healthcare facilities and hubs scattered across the region, Greymouth Base Hospital is the largest facility for all normal births and those that require obstetric care. The other maternity hub is based in Westport which has a community maternity unit, run by community midwives with support from local DHB staff.
Recognising the complexity and distances of travel required to care for women in our communities our LMC midwives have sustainability contracts and they also work in close collaboration with in-house medical staff and employed midwives to ensure women and their babies are seen in a timely manner, as the distances can be too far to visit all the time.
The West Coast DHB is known for a much more relaxed and balanced lifestyle. Therefore, as a midwife on the West Coast you will get an opportunity to operate to the full breadth of your clinical scope while still having enough time to maintain a work-life balance.
We welcome all experienced midwives who are seeking new challenges and opportunities to contact us.
For more enquiries Simon Liddy on simon.liddy@cdhb.health.nz
Ehara taku I toa takitahi engari, he toa takitini
My strength, is not the strength of one, it is the strength of many
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